THIS ARTICLE IS FOR: Men and Women of all ages and health backgrounds who want to increase their flexibility and burn more calories in only 2-3 minutes

Bizarre 2 Minute “Yoga-Like” Routine Forces Your Body To Become 7% More Flexible And Burn Up To 53% More Calories In Just ONE SESSION ! Here’s Proof…

Hi I’m Tyler Bramlett,

And you are about to hear a life changing story about how a 44 year old out of shape diabetic, told by his doctors that he needed to change his life or end up in the graveyard before 50 went on to completely transform his body losing 35lbs of stubborn fat that personal trainers swore he would never be able to lose...


And the crazy part is… you’ll be shocked when you read this story and discover the easy solution that unlocked his fat burning potential and saved his life.

Even after failing over and over again, spending thousands on personal trainers and dietitians and trying every mainstream diet and exercise program under the sun.

If you’re frustrated with your current results, if you’ve tried workout programs and diets and seen little in the way of real results then this article could change your life. That’s because...

These 2-3 Minute “Miracle” Sequences Are So New, You’ve Never Seen Anything Like Them Before!

And... in the next few minutes as you read this short article, you’ll discover:

  • How lack of flexibility puts you at greater risk of getting injured and could be the #1 reason you aren’t seeing the fat loss results you want!
  • Why the best way to improve your flexibility and the overall results you want from your workouts is NOT to add in hour long sessions of Yoga, Pilates and Stretching.
  • The easy way to “trick” your body into becoming 7% more flexible in just 2-3 minutes!

But more importantly than all of that….

When You Read This Article To The Very End,
I’ll Show You EXACTLY How You Can Use These
Short 2-3 Minute Sequences To Help You Burn
Up To 53% More Calories In Just ONE Session…

Dramatically altering the speed at which your body loses fat all while increasing your flexibility, improving your posture and reducing your nagging aches and pains!

As you’ll see below, these extremely unique sequences have been privately tested and have been proven to work on men and women of all ages, body types, skill levels and in any physical state of health… because these sequences are based on real biological principles!

If you’re skeptical about burning up to 53% more calories and increasing your flexibility by 7% then make sure you keep reading. Because…

You’ll discover the 2 little known studies that prove without a shadow of a doubt that sequences like the ones you’re about to learn, will force your body to burn more calories and increase your flexibility in just ONE SESSION!

The best part is…

These 2-3 Minute “Miracle” Sequences Will Work
For You And Require Zero Equipment, No Special Diets, Pricey Weight Loss Supplements or
Overly Intimidating Workouts!

Before we go any further however, it’s important that I give you fair warning that the information in this article fly’s in the face of what you’ve been told in the past and I’ll be dropping some controversial truth bombs today. And...

As you’ll see below, these extremely unique sequences have been privately tested and have been proven to work on men and women of all ages, body types, skill levels and in any physical state of health… because these sequences are based on real biological principles!

When the mainstream fitness moguls that advocate long drawn out workouts, pricey supplements and extreme diets catch wind of the information on this page, they’ll stop at nothing to get me to take this down.

That’s because they know that when you learn these 2-3 minute sequences that have now been proven to unlock your fat burning potential, you’ll never spend another penny on their infomercial gimmicks ever again!

Ok… now that I have your undivided attention and I know you’re serious about burning up to 53% more calories using these 2-3 minute “miracle” sequences, let me share with you a quick story about one of my closest clients who came to me as a last resort…

It All Started With A 44 Year Old Diabetic
Who Came To Me As His Last Resort.
He Was Fat, Sick and Ready To Give Up On Life...

Evans came to me as a 44 year old out of shape diabetic with muscles so tight, he couldn’t get anywhere near touching his toes or even putting his arms overhead.

He was in such bad shape that his doctor literally told him that he needed to change or he would end up in the graveyard before the age of 50. I can remember the first time we worked together like it was yesterday….

He walked in moving like the tin man with a list of aches and pains that read like santa's naughty or nice list.

I asked him to do a squat and he barely made it halfway down before his hamstrings synched up and he nearly collapsed forwards like someone had just whipped him in the back with a baseball bat.

I then asked him to show me his pushup and his chest, back and shoulders were so tight that he could barely go halfway down. We had our work cut out for us and we both knew it! However…

When Digging Deeper I Was SHOCKED To Uncover That The Reason He Was Failing To See Results Wasn’t Because Of His Work Ethic…

You see, a lot of my clients who claim that they work hard and don’t see results usually make excuse after excuse to themselves and never really stick to a diet or exercise program. Evans on the other hand was different...

He told me about the endless workout programs he’d tried and the thousands he’d paid to work with trainers in the past and yet still was never was able to see the results he wanted from his efforts.

This left him in a painful pattern of working hard, seeing little in the way of real results, feeling unmotivated and then giving up.

Which... eventually hurt so bad emotionally that he would become re-motivated to give it another go only to be disappointed yet again 🙁 The worst part was... as he was sharing his story I could see it…

The Look In His Eyes Told Me...
I Was His Last Hope!

Which is why he came to me. You see...

As I mentioned before, my name is Tyler Bramlett but my friends call me The Garage Warrior. I was given that nickname by my brother because I chose to forgo the mainstream gym scene so I could make my own rules and settled on training my clients out of a bare bones garage gym instead.

Here’s a pic of me that I took from my facebook page...

Over the last few years I’ve become a world renowned authority on body transformation and as you can see, over 67,447 people depending on me daily for advice on facebook alone. And...

I have a reputation for being the go to guy when other trainers can’t get their clients the results they want. But as I would soon find out, Evans was new type of challenge for me...

Over the next few weeks, I intensely observed him as I taught the exact steps I has used on literally hundreds of other clients to help them get the body transforming results they wanted. However, just like Evans warned me, nothing seemed to happen…

For some reason… Evans wasn’t like the others that I had trained in the past. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get him to perform my “usual” exercises with the form that I had come to expect from my other students. Then it hit me…

It Wasn't His Fault!

The Reason He Couldn’t Get The Results He Wanted Was Because His Body, Regardless Of His Work Ethic Simply Couldn’t Perform The Usual Popular Exercises Like Squats and Push-ups!

This realization hit me like a ton of bricks falling on my head... I watched Evans squat with a gaze so intense it would make the Dalai Lama feel uncomfortable. And…

Even though I already knew he had some flexibility issues, I didn’t realize that there was a an EXACT spot in his squat, just shy of half-way down, that his hip muscles shut down leaving him weak and unstable. Even worse…

As I later came to discover, when stabilizer muscles, like the ones in Evans’ hip shut down because of inflexibility or lack of coordination, the prime movers take over as a way of protecting the body by limiting your ability to perform an exercise through a full range of motion.

I’ll explain exactly what this means in a sec but first, let me tell you what happened next…

For weeks I had Evans perform sets of basic push-ups all the while trying to coach him toward what I would consider to be perfect form. However… nothing I tried worked, until I realized… he had another spot, a sticking point in his push-up, that when he went below this spot, his scapulae shut down and his shoulder collapsed.

Coincidentally, this was the same shoulder that he pointed out to me on day one as being weak and unstable.

Ultimately I Realized…

He Lacked The Muscular Coordination And Flexibility To Perform Even These Basic Exercises Properly. And… The KEY to Getting Him The Results He Wanted Was To Fix His Flexibility Issues!

Before I get back to the story, let me explain why this is so important…

You see… flexibility and coordination is not only important for keeping your body healthy and pain free. It’s also the #1 determining factor for the results you’ll be able to see from your workouts. Let me explain…

Imagine 2 people… Let’s call them Person A and Person B…

Person A is like Evans, they are tight, inflexible and have poor coordination. When Person A does a squat, at most they are able to go half-way down, right? Any further and they might risk injury or humiliating themselves by losing their balance at the gym.

Now take Person B… this is your natural athlete who was born flexible and coordinated. When these people do a squat, you’ll watch them effortlessly go up and down through a full range of motion with perfect balance and plenty of flexibility.

However… the difference isn’t just in how the squat looks to the naked eye.

In fact, as I’ll show you in a sec, when I officially measured it, the difference is EXTREME!!!

You see… when someone can only squat half-way down, wouldn’t it stand to reason that they only use half of the energy (AKA Calories) that someone who goes all the way down uses?

After all, they are only going half the distance and using half the muscular efforts, right?


So it would stand to reason that because of his inflexibilities and muscular dysfunction, Evans, who could only go ½ way down on most popular exercises was burning ½ the calories other people were burning, right?

At this point I realized… his 10 squats at best burned the same calories as 5 good ones. We needed to fix this and we needed to do it fast!

So… Like Most Trainers, To Solve This Issue
I Recommended He Take Up Daily Stretching or Doing Yoga and Pilates A MINIMUM of 3 Days A Week. But…

After a month of trying to fit it all in, Evans walked into my gym and leveled with me…

He plain and simple didn’t have the time to add more to his plate. He was a high level executive and he was way to busy to add in another 2 or 3 hours to his exercise routine in order to get the results he wanted.

Plus... that’s why he sought me out in first place and chose to pay me over $1,000 a month to help him transform his body. He asked me if there was another way and I gave him my word that I would stop at nothing to find it!

Although my initial plan had failed, I learned something valuable that day...

Most People, Including Me and Probably You Too,
Simply Don’t Have The Time to Add In 60-Minutes
Of Yoga, Stretching or Pilates 3+ Times A Week!

I Needed To Find The Answer Elsewhere...

I dove in head first trying to find an easy shortcut to the problem that Evans was facing. After all… at this point I was convinced that the reason he wasn’t able to get the results he wanted was because he physically lacked the flexibility and coordination to get the maximum benefits out of the exercises he was performing.

I was determined to find the answer!

I tried to take the best from all the practices that I had studied including; Bikram yoga, Pilates, advanced athletic mobility training, gymnastic stretching, martial arts, relax contract techniques and more. However…

I just couldn’t seem to find a way to condense this into an easy to follow routine that Evans could do anytime anywhere without having to spend hours a week or join a group class.

After all, most exercise routines that focus on flexibility and coordination demand that you practice them 3 or more hours a week in order to get results! Then…

As luck would have it, I met her…

Sylvia Was A Pilates Expert Who Specialized In Helping People Transform Their Bodies While Regaining Core Strength, Flexibility and Coordination All In Under 45-Minutes, 3 Days A Week!

We both attended a major fitness event and I was lucky enough to overhear her talking to a friend about her methods of training. I eavesdropped on her conversation and realized that she had a client with the EXACT same problem as Evans!

I approached her, introduced myself we began to talk…

She Shared With Me,
That Her Secret to Resetting People’s Body
and Restoring Flexibility and Coordination Was
NOT Hours A Week of Yoga, Stretching and Pilates…

Instead… She Used Short, Punctuated
Daily “Reminders” That Send Specific Signals
to Your Body That Effortlessly Force It to Change!

She told me to have Evans do extremely short sequences of bodyweight movements once per day that target his flexibility deficiencies and send consistent signals to his body that force it to loosen up and change!

I’ll be honest... at first I was pretty pessimistic that this was gonna work. After all the things I’ve tried, it seemed to be a little “too good to be true” that you could actually see noticeable results from condensing 60 minute of yoga, stretching and Pilates into short, specific sequences.

But I had tried everything else and I had made a promise that I was gonna solve this problem and I intended on keeping it!

As I flew home, I wrote down exactly what I was gonna do with both Evans. It was my last resort and truthfully, I wasn't sure what I would do if this had failed. Lucky for me…

This Approach Not Only Helped Him Restore His Flexibility and Coordination, It Ended Up Being
The “Magic” KEY That Finally Helped Him to Release Trapped Fat and Get The Results He Really Wanted!

On that plane ride home, I had managed to write down 63 short, 2-3 minute sequences that contained a mix of yoga, pilates, stretching and advanced mobility exercises. I took this new “quick-fix” blueprint and began to use it right away on Evans. The results were nothing short of amazing…

His half hearted push-up, the one that he could barely do before with decent form began to look like the pushups I was used to seeing my seasoned clients do! And…

His squat… the one where he could barely make it half way down without tumbling over, instantly became better! Even more…

Over The Next Few Weeks I Was AMAZED As Each Session He Was Able to Do More and More With Near Perfect Form! But That Wasn’t The Only Benefit...

After a few weeks of adding these 2-3 minute sequences into his routine I noticed a period of rather rapid fat loss. He was literally losing fat like they he was 18 again and the smile on his face and confidence he was showing up with told me loud and clear... he noticed too!

Evans commented on how his chest was looking bigger and how his waist was slimming at record speeds and over the course of the next couple months, Evans went from fat, dissatisfied and ready to throw in the towel and just give up, to the lean functional physique he always wanted!

But that’s not even the best part… the best part of all is that Evans has continued to use these sequences and his body today is the best it’s ever looked! Here’s proof…

After seeing this transformation, I couldn’t help but wonder…

Had I Just Stumbled Upon the Workout “Holy Grail” That Could Fix Your Flexibility and Coordination Issues While Rapidly Releasing Trapped Fat?

My gut told me that I should shout this information from the rooftops, but my skeptical side prevented me from sharing this with anyone, at least until I had proof that this really worked as well as I had thought. So…

I did what any science minded workout geek would do… I went out and bought a high quality heart rate monitor and began to do a study on myself...

The plan was to do EXACTLY what I did with Evans… perform a basic workout containing basic exercises for 3 rounds with a 3 minute rest period between each round. Then… I would measure my flexibility and my overall calorie burn after the workout had ended.

Next, I would perform the same exact workout, under the same circumstances a few days later. Only this time I would add these unique bodyweight sequences into my workout as a substitute for my rest periods. Here’s what happened...


I Tested It On Myself and Gained Over 2” On My Flexibility AND Ended Up Burning An EXTRA
93 Calories In ONE Workout!

Keep in mind that these workouts took the exact same amount of time, I simply replaced the rest periods with an easy to follow 2-3 minute sequence and the results were 2” gained on my flexibility and an additional 93 calories burned!

At this point you might be thinking to yourself, “why didn’t you just come out and share it then, you had proof that it worked on both you and Evans?”

However… that wasn’t enough…

I Wanted Dead Clear Proof That This Works
100% Of The Time! So... I Called My Brother,
A Gym Owner In San Diego and Asked Him
To Try Adding These Sequences Into His Routine…

He Ended Up Burning An Additional 104 Calories
AND Gained 1.5” On His Flexibility


He was so impressed that we got on the phone and here’s what he said…

“Tyler, this is insane! Can I try this on a random sample
of my gym members so I can be sure this isn’t just a fluke?”

I agreed as long as he promised to run an unbiased test with men and women of all ages, health backgrounds and skill levels and he agreed. Here’s what happened…

He Tested This On 17 Different People,
Men and Women, Young and Old... On Average,
They Each Increased Their Flexibility By 1.75” AND Burned 76 More Calories in A Single Workout!

Here's Proof...

Just imagine what this would mean for you if you incorporated these short 2-3 minute sequences into your workouts or even just your morning routine for a week, a month or 90 days...

Finally being able to release stubborn fat and increase your metabolism all while improving posture, core strength and flexibility in literally the first session!

I now had undeniable proof that this did in fact work for everyone we tested it on. Young and old, out of shape and fit. Literally everyone improved their flexibility and dramatically increased their calorie burn when adding in these 2-3 minute “miracle” sequences!

However, there was one more thing I needed before becoming 100% convinced...

The Final Thing I Needed To Be 110% Confident
That These 2-3 Minute “Miracle” Sequences
Would Work For Everyone Was To Find Legitimate Scientific Research That Proved It!

Here’s what I found...

Over the last few years I had gotten good at digging through and interpreting scientific studies so I figured it would be easy to find a study that could explain the miraculous increase in calorie burn that was happening to people who were using these short bodyweight sequences in conjunction with their workouts. However…

I looked far and wide and there was nothing I could find out there, simply because the sequences Evans and the others were using were so new, nobody had ever even heard of them before. I dug deep and finally found 2 interesting studies that shed some light on why these sequences are so effective…

The Final Thing I Needed To Be 110% Confident
That These 2-3 Minute “Miracle” Sequences
Would Work For Everyone Was To Find Legitimate Scientific Research That Proved It!

The first study I found was in a Journal of Sports Sciences published back in 2001. The study compared groups of people who performed pre-workout sequences similar to the ones I designed for Evans, to people who didn’t perform these sequences

They Found That The Group
Who Performed These Sequences
Pre-Workout Increased Their Overall
Oxygen Consumption During The Workout By 21.4%

This was great news, a 21.4% increase in oxygen consumption validated a lot of what I saw but it didn’t explain how Evans and the others were seeing staggering increases in calorie burn as high as 53% and routine improvements in their flexibility by 1-2”!

So… I kept digging and finally found the very last piece of the puzzle that scientifically validated why the sequences I created for Evans were so effective…

This study was published in the IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science and like the other study, it looked at groups who were using pre-workout sequences similar to the ones I designed for Evans vs. groups using no sequences. And…

Instead of tracking the increase in oxygen uptake, this study focussed on the increase in performance. Here was the shocking results…

This Study Showed That By Performing a Short Sequence Like The Ones You’re About To Learn, Increased Strength 27% and Boosted Flexibility 7%!

This was the last piece of the puzzle I needed to feel confident that the sequences I had created for Evans and tested on myself, my brother and a random population of his students would work for everyone, any age, any state of health no matter what!

At that point I made a BIG decision…

I Was Gonna Take These 63 Sequences And Create
An Easy-to-Follow System That You Can Use To Increase Your Flexibility By 7% AND... Burn Up To
53% More Calories In Just Your First Session!

I knew that in order for me to do this right, I would need a partner that understood exactly what I was I was trying to teach, someone who had a solid grasp on biomechanics and flexibility and someone who had a keen eye for the little details that made all the difference. Then it hit me…

Sylvia… the girl who gave me the idea in the first place would be the perfect partner to help me turn this into an easy to follow system that anyone could do, at any age, even total beginners!

I picked up the phone told her about my idea and she was in!

We Hired A Professional Film Team, and Captured All 63-Sequences In High-Quality Video Format
Making This So Easy to Use That All You Have to Do
Is Press Play and Follow Along!

That’s right!

The last thing I wanted was to create a complex and confusing system that contained all the answers but was too difficult for you to use.

That why, I jumped through hoops and left no stone unturned to make this so easy that all you have to do is press play and follow along. And… the best part is…

It ONLY Takes 2-3 Minutes!

Literally, just seconds from now you could be working with me and Sylvia through these unique bodyweight sequences, boosting your calorie burn by up to 53% while increasing your flexibility, improving your posture and reducing nagging aches and pains…

All while knowing you finally have the missing piece of the puzzle that guarantees you’ll finally bust through your plateaus so you can stop feeling dissatisfied, un-motivated and ready to give up.

The truth is, as of right this second…

Everything you need to burn up to 53% more calories during your next workout while increasing your flexibility, improving your posture and reducing your nagging aches and pains can be found in this one comprehensive system called…

Bodyweight Flow

Here’s What You Get...

The Bodyweight Flow Quick Start Guide ($29.00 Value)

This guide was designed to teach you the most effective way to begin using our unique Metabolic Ignition Sequences. There are no wasted words or filler sentences her as the quick start manual was designed to get you started using this system ASAP.

21 Different Follow Along Upper Body Sequences ($49.95 Value)

This video series contains 21 different follow along sequences (7 Beginner, 7 Intermediate, 7 Advanced) that activate the muscles of the core and upper body, unlock tight shoulders and help to boost the results you get form performing exercises like presses, curls, pushups, rows, dips, pull-ups, tricep work and more! Just press play and follow along.

21 Different Follow Along Lower Body Sequences - ($49.95 Value)

This video series contains 21 different follow along sequences (7 Beginner, 7 Intermediate, 7 Advanced) that supercharge your lower body flexibility and increase the contraction potential of your lower body muscles so you can accelerate the results you get from things like squats, lunges, step-ups, leg extensions, hamstring curls, swings, running and other traditional cardio exercises.

21 Different Follow Along Full Body Sequences - ($49.95 Value)

his video series contains 21 different follow along sequences (7 Beginner, 7 Intermediate, 7 Advanced) that help you dramatically increase your flexibility and build massive coordination in your upper body, lower body and core all at the same time! These sequences can be used with any exercise program to accelerate the results you’ll get from full body exercises like burps, jump squats, medicine ball work, free weights or even weight machines!

With everything above, this package should cost you $178.85 but you’re NOT gonna pay anything close to that…

Keep Reading... Because In Just One Sec, I’m Gonna Tell You How to 
Not Only Activate Your Metabolism By 53%, But Also Get a 53% Discount TODAY ONLY…

Before I show you how to ACTIVATE this discount…
Let’s recap what you’ve learned so far:

The problem most people are having that is preventing them from getting the results they want is that they lack the flexibility and coordination to be able to perform basic exercise through a full range of motion with good form.

No amount of traditional exercise is gonna fix this issue unless you want to spend 3 or more hours a week in various yoga, Pilates and stretching classes which very few people including me have the time for.

The solution is to send your body consistent flexibility and coordination building signals on a daily basis by regularly using the 2-3 minute bodyweight sequences we created for you. This doesn’t have to take hours a week and has been proven through our own research to help improve your flexibility by several inches and boost your calorie burn by up to 53% in just one session.

Scientific studies have proven that a pre-workout routine similar to the bodyweight sequences you’re about to learn can increase your overall oxygen consumption (a measure of metabolism) by 21.4%, boost strength by 27% and increase flexibility by 7%!

I’m supremely confident that this system is the most unique and effective 2-3 minute program you will ever follow. All ego aside, there’s NEVER been anything like this before! However...

I didn’t wanna just stop there. You see… I wanted you to be so over the top thrilled about investing in the NEW Bodyweight Flow System that I decided to release this program to a small group of my coaching clients to see what else I could add in to make this system even better.

They came back to me with a few simple requests…

First was some guidance on what sequences to follow each day of the week so they could just open up a calendar, click a link and check it off their to do list.

Second was that they wanted to know what exact sequences would compliment certain workout programs the best. And finally…

Some of them loved the sequences so much that they asked how they should go about doing an entire “workout” using just these bodyweight sequences.

So… I hit the drawing board and solved all of these problems by creating you 5 specific bonus manuals that teach you exactly what to do each day, what sequences to use with what workouts and give you 42 different full workout routines featuring these unique bodyweight sequences! And...

When You Order Today, You’re Gonna Get
all 5 Bodyweight Flow Bonuses
as my 100% free gift to you!

Here’s the bonus package you’ll get today…

The Good News Is…

The Complete Bodyweight Flow System
Can Be Used With ANY Other Workout Program!

That’s right! If you’re on the fence about trying Bodyweight Flow because you already have a workout program that you like, then you should know that these 2-3 minute bodyweight sequences were designed to be plugged into your existing workout to help you burn more calories!

Just plug these short sequences into your morning routine, during the beginning, middle or end of any workout and in just a few minutes you’ll increase your flexibility by several inches and be burning up to 53% more calories in just one session!

You can think of this as an add-on-system of unique bodyweight exercises that will unlock trapped fat and enhance the results you get from your workouts!

That being said, I do have a warning for you…


The Bodyweight Flow System Is NOT For Everyone...

I have to be upfront with you...

If you think you are gonna transform your body with zero actual work… Think again!

Although I did my absolute best to create an easy to follow, step-by-step road map that will increase your flexibility and calorie burn, you do have to follow along to these bodyweight sequences at least 3 days a week in order to get the results you’re looking for. However...

Like I said before, these bodyweight sequences only take 2-3 minutes to complete and you’ll see results in just one session!

This means that although you have to do some work, it doesn’t have to take up very much of your time. And… the reality is, if you don’t have 2 minutes to spare, then this program is NOT for you.

AND… there’s more BAD NEWS…

If you are motivated to make a change… To finally get the results you want from your workouts then you should know this…

The Complete Bodyweight Flow System
Can Be Used With ANY Other Workout Program!

YES… I hate to break it to you but, this is 100% TRUE!

The workout programs available on the market today do very little to increase your flexibility, improve your coordination and accelerate the amount of calories you can burn in one session. In fact…

Most workouts being pitched to you by the mainstream magazines and TV shows don’t even understand the powerful benefits that you can get from following along to these 2-3 minute sequences even for just one session.

The reason for this is because these sequences are brand new and the mainstream media has yet to sink their money grubbing teeth into them. Which means....

The only place for you to get your hands on these sequences is on this page. And…

The ONLY WAY for you to skyrocket your metabolism and start getting the body transformation results you really want is to follow these short bodyweight sequences that I laid out for you in the Bodyweight Flow System. Now...

I fully understand that these “too good to be true” claims may sound controversial and make you nervous, and that’s ok. Because… If you’re even slightly skeptical then…

Here’s The BEST NEWS Of All…

I’d be lying to you if I didn’t tell you that when I first heard Sylvia talk about their effectiveness, I was in the same position as you. I remember thinking to myself, “can these short sequences really make a difference to the way my body looks and feels?” And…

I assure you they can!

I can confidently say this because I’ve proven that these sequences worked on Evans, myself, my family and a random control group of 17 people! Even more, I’ve found the studies that scientifically prove this works and the conclusion I’ve made is the god honest truth…

YES! These 2-3 minute sequences CAN make a HUGE difference on the way your body looks and feels!!!

PLUS… in order to completely erase your concern, I decided to remove all risk from you and take it on myself. This way you have no excuse and you can painlessly try the Bodyweight Flow System so you can see the results for yourself. Which is why…

I created an industry first “Quadruple” Guarantee!

If You’re Not 100% Happy Within The First 60 Days,
Just Send Me An Email and You’ll Get A FULL Refund,
No Questions Asked and We Can Still Be Friends!


And... Unlike Some Online Companies That
Give You The Run-Around And Make You
Jump Through Hoops When You Ask For a Refund…

I run a small business that actually cares about you getting the results you want! Which is why...

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you email us and see that it’s either me or Andrea (my assistant) helping you out with a friendly attitude that assures you, that we are here to help 🙂

By now, I hope that I’ve proven to you how dramatic the changes you’ll feel and see in your body will be when you follow these 2-3 minute bodyweight sequences. And…

I’m sure you’re scratching your head wondering to yourself, “how much is this unique new system is gonna cost me?”


Let’s say you decided to learn this stuff on your own… you would first have to fly out to California pay me my usual hourly rate of $125 and probably spend at least a full day studying with me just so you could get close to grasping the bodyweight sequences you’re gonna discover today!

In total, you’d easily spend over $1,000 to learn the EXACT sequences I taught to Evans that increase his flexibility and unlocked his fat burning potential in just 2-3 minutes. And… in all honesty…

That would be a fair price for this information considering that I spent more on heart rate monitors just to conduct a study on the 17 random individuals at my brother gym so I could 110% prove that this system worked for anyone, man or woman, young or old at any skill level! However...

Here’s the GREAT NEWS…

You’re NOT Gonna Have to Pay $1,000 to Learn
These Bodyweight Sequences. Heck… You’re Not
Gonna Have to Pay 10% of That Amount...
That’s because TODAY ONLY…

Heres How To Burn
53% More Calorie And,
SAVE 53% Off...

This Special Pre-Launch Discount Ends In…

When You Make The Intelligent Decision
To Invest In A Discounted Copy Of The
“Body Weight Flow System”  You Will...

  • Dramatically accelerate the amount of calories you can burn by up to 53% in just your first session!
  • Boost your muscular strength by 27% so you can do more reps or more weight on every exercise and get the lean toned physique you want even faster!
  • Add inches to your flexibility making exercises easier and more comfortable to do while ridding your body of nagging aches and pains you’ve had from years of feeling tight and uncoordinated.
  • Improve your posture and core strength further making your body feel amazing while giving you more confidence and energy!
  • Unlock your fat burning potential so you can rid yourself of trapped fat that has stubbornly clung to your body for years.
  • Experience so many more benefits that come from losing fat faster, loosening up your tight body and restoring your body back to how it once looked and felt!

Remember… regardless of your gender, how young or old you are or your current health situation, these 2-3 minute “miracle” sequences WILL work for you! Which means…

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Finally… If You’re Skeptical That This Program Can Dramatically Change The Way Your Body Looks and Feels, Then Here’s My Parting TIP For You…

I’ll be brutally honest with you…

I’m personally responsible for over 500 real world body transformations and over 67,000 people rely on me for daily advice on diet and exercise. However…

The #1 THING that stands out to me more than any other is that some people simply will not take the necessary steps to change their bodies and lives.

The reality is, if all you do is use these 2-3 minute bodyweight sequences contained in the Bodyweight Flow System for the next 7 days, you’ll see noticeable results in the way your body looks and feels.

For most people, this is usually enough to motivate you to keep following these short sequences so you can continue to improve your flexibility, coordination and dramatically increase your overall calorie burn so you can feel great in your body again and unlock trapped fat that has been rearing it’s ugly head on your body for years.

However… for every person that I see take action and commit to using these “miracle” sequences, there’s another person who ignores this information completely and continues for another year, or more, NOT getting any results.

Which leaves me with one final question for you… which person do you want to be?

The choice is yours… Either go on with your life and choose to be content with the mediocre results you'll get from your workouts, OR…

Try something new… something that you’ve likely never heard of before for the chance that you will finally start seeing the real results you should be seeing from your workouts!

If this is you and you’re ready for a change then all you have to do right now is…

Here’s to you finally getting the results you want and deserve by using these unique 2-3 minute “miracle” sequences!

P.S. Every second you spend right now thinking about reasons to ditch this page and not get the calorie boosting, flexibility increasing benefits of Bodyweight Flow is another second you could be spending transforming your body. Don’t waste this time! Instead take action while it’s fresh in your mind and get started TODAY!

P.P.S. Remember that you also have a FULL 60 DAY GUARANTEE backing up the results you’ll get from using Bodyweight Flow which means you can try out all 63 bodyweight sequences and use all 6 manuals for a full 60 days. If you’re not completely satisfied during these 60 days, just send me an email and you’ll get all of your MONEY BACK, no questions asked! You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain from taking action now…

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More Calories In One Session And Save 53%!

If You Have Questions,
Just Click The Tabs Below
To Find Out The Answer...

Q: What is the Bodyweight Flow System and how does it work in only 2-3 minutes? +

The Bodyweight Flow System is a series of 63 different 2-3 minute follow along sequences otherwise known as bodyweight flows. There are 21 beginner flows, 21 intermediate flows and 21 advanced flows covering the upper, lower and full body.

All you have to do to start seeing results today is follow along to one or more flow each day (only a 2-3 minute time commitment) either in the morning, before your workout, during your workout or after your workout.

By following along to these short specific sequences and paying attention to the detailed form we outline in each video you will increase your flexibility and unlock your fat loss potential!

There’s plenty of proof that this works above and science has now even confirmed that by following along to a pre workout routine like Bodyweight Flow you can increase your flexibility by 7% and boost your oxygen uptake (i.e. fat burning potential) by 21.4% during your workout!

Q: Does this program only work with bodyweight training programs? +

That’s the beauty of these short sequences…

They were designed to compliment ANY exercise program and even serve as a basic exercise program for people who don’t currently work out. If you’re a runner, these sequences will help you to mobilize your lower body and use more of your muscles, effectively making you faster, less likely to get injured and more metabolic!

If you like lifting weights, these sequences will increase your functional flexibility by 7% in just one session leaving you able to complete every rep of every set through a greater range of motion so you can work your muscles harder and burn more calories during every single rep!

It doesn’t matter if you love to use weights, machines, cardio equipment, bodyweight, kettlebells or suspension trainers… these Bodyweight Flow Sequences maximize the results of your exercise routine no matter what it is!

Q: What if I am a complete beginner, can I still benefit from following along to this program? +

Luckily for you, this program is outlined in 3 different steps. There is a beginner, intermediate and advanced level for each area of the body. The idea is that you start with the much simpler, easy to follow sequences and over the course of 30-60 days you graduate to the more complicated sequences. This way beginners, intermediate exercises and even advanced athletes can benefit from using this program.

Even more, since you are a total beginner, consider yourself blessed that you found this now before wasting months or even years in the gym, not burning the maximum amount of fat and not seeing the results you want because your muscles are too tight and you were too uncoordinated.

Q: Can I use this program with my other resistance training and cardio programs? +

As I said above, you don’t need to change your current routine whatsoever. Instead all you have to do to coax your body into unlocking it’s true potential through increasing your own individual movement capacity is add these 2-3 minute sequences into your current routine.

The bottom line is… you can literally use any resistance training or cardio program that you like and all you have to do is add in these 2-3 minute flows and you will get better results!

Q: Can I watch the follow along sequences on my smart phone? +

I’ve spared no expense making sure that the entire Bodyweight Flow system was smartphone and tablet ready. You can download the follow along videos to your smartphone and bring them with you to your workouts or you can simply stream them online anytime, anywhere.

Q: If I really like the results I get with the follow along sequences can I do more than just one? +

This comes up a lot with our clients… since using one sequence is good then using 2, 3 or even more will be better, right? There’s really 2 answers to this question…

First, all you have to do to get results is follow a minimum of 1 sequence each day. This is enough to see noticeable changes within 5-7 days and substantial changes within a month. To make this part easy, I created a daily flow calendar you can use the does the thinking for you. Just use the “flow of the day” each day and you are set.

That being said, when we first tested this program there were so many requests for longer flows that it seemed like a no brainer to create 10 minute, 20 minute and 30 minute flow workout manuals as a free bonus for you when you invest in the system today. This way you can use a series of these flows as an entire workout if you want.

Q: I want to increase my flexibility and burn more fat right now! Do I have to wait until you ship me everything in the Bodyweight Flow System? +

I have great news for you… you can get started right away because in order to get this into as many peoples hands as possible and keep the price as low as possible, I decided to make Bodyweight Flow into a completely downloadable system. So there is No wait time, NO shipping costs to you and you get instant access as soon as you click the button below!

Q: I’m over 50 and I’m not sure that I could do some of these sequences? +

If you’re over 50, it is absolutely essential that you start using this now, otherwise your workouts will be less effective, you’ll be more likely to get injured and your results will stall as you get more and more inflexible.

Plain and simple… over 50 is the most important time to start following along to a program like Bodyweight Flow because each year you will lose more muscle mass, more flexibility and more control over your body unless you take back your right to move and act right away. I’m serious when I say you need this system more than anyone else!

Q: What if I am in pretty good shape but just want to lose that last 5-10lbs and boost my performance during my high intensity training, will this still help? +

If you’re one of the lucky few who are already in fantastic shape and just want a metabolic advantage that will help you lose the last 5-10lbs even faster, these Bodyweight Flow Sequences will become your personal “secret weapon” that will enable you to go the extra mile in your workouts and shed those last few pounds of ugly fat fast!

Q: I’m already really flexible and I do yoga regularly, would this program still help me get faster fat loss results? +

The Bodyweight Flow system isn’t just a series of stretches and poses like you would find in yoga. Instead we took the best exercises we could find from yoga, Pilates, martial arts, athletic training and physical therapy and combined them into specific sequences that will not only improve flexibility but also build massive coordination, increase your control over your muscles and strengthen your core and posture in unlikely positions. If you like yoga, you will instantly fall in love with Bodyweight Flow!

Q: What happens if this program doesn’t work for me? +

That’s an easy answer… I offer the first Quadruple Guarantee in the fitness industry. I promise top notch quality, customer service, results and satisfaction with your experience. Otherwise, if in the first 60 days I don’t live up to any of these expectations then all you have to do is email me and let me know why you weren’t satisfied and you will get a full refund, no questions asked and we can still even be friends.

And remember… unlike other online fitness programs where you have to deal with foreign customer service giving you the run around, I run a small company with just me and my assistant Andrea. And… both of us truly care about you getting better results. So if you have any issues with the program or need a refund, either Andrea or I will be the ones to help you directly and we won’t give you any run around whatsoever 🙂

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