Believing you don’t have the knowledge, time or expertise to be of service isn’t going to help you change your clients’ lives for the better.

You want to make more money, work fewer hours and feel like you’re living in alignment with your purpose each and every day.

You want to be well-known in your specific health and wellness niche, build your reputation based on success and have hundreds of people enrolled in your programs at any one time.

But more than anything, you want to use your unique ability to transform lives and watch your clients become healthier and stronger every day.

After helping hundreds of health practitioners, healers and coaches transform their businesses and lives for the better, you don’t need to tell me that:

  • Between working a full-time job, raising kids and caring for a sick parent, the time you have left to build your business is at a bare minimum.
  • You feel like you’re constantly putting others’ wants, needs and dreams ahead of your own.
  • You feel frustrated, overwhelmed and held back from taking your practice online by your lack of technical expertise.
  • Your confidence and self-belief has reached a low and you’re convinced you don’t have the knowledge you need to build your very own wellness program.
  • You’re reluctant to dream big or share your big scary goals with those closest to you - not because they won’t believe in you - but because deep down, you’re struggling to believe in yourself.
  • In your never-ending quest for balance, you feel like you should be able to do it all: the school run, keep house, run your business, serve your clients, keep on top of your professional development, taxi your kids to-and-from their extra-curricular activities, prepare three nutritious meals a day, host dinner parties and have the energy and desire to really want to have sex at the end of the day. And…exhale!
  • If you’re really honest, there are days when you’d really just rather work than spend time doing anything else.

You’re far from alone - in fact, this is the before story of practically every client I’ve ever worked with.

I’m Lori Kennedy and I teach holistic health and wellness professionals like you how to turn your purpose into a profitable business that’s set up for success and year-on-year growth.


  • Running a business on your own terms, setting your own schedule and letting go of the ‘have-it-all’ mentality – and feeling more than OK about it.
  • Automating your business so it’s self-managing and generates new leads, even when you take a day off or take a two-week vacation.
  • Hiring a team to help you with all the aspects of your business that you don’t enjoy.
  • Trusting your team to keep your business running and free you up to work on your passion projects like writing a recipe book, starting a cooking show or running luxurious live retreats.
  • Not having to set your schedule around your clients, while struggling to make ends meet or work a side-job that doesn’t line up with your purpose or beliefs.
  • Sitting down to work and knowing exactly what you need to do, in the exact order to hit your monthly income goals.
  • Catching your partner looking at you in a whole new way after you reveal how much money your business profited last month and never having to borrow money to invest in your business ever again.

These are the kind of results you’ll get from The Business Wellness Academy.

How do I know you can get these kinds of results? Because I’ve gotten them for myself and now I’m teaching YOU how to do the same.

Introducing The Wellness Business Academy, a year-long transformational business program for health and wellness professionals in their first two years of business who want to make more money, work fewer hours and live their purpose every day.

The Business Wellness Academy is a year-long program taught over four semesters, each lasting 12 weeks.

Every other week a new class will be released inside the student member portal, giving you two clear weeks to digest, fully grasp and implement the business fundamentals you’ll learn while juggling all the other balls you have in the air.

Alongside the video-based tutorials, you’ll receive a series of companion worksheets that include templates and scripts to help you quickly apply what you learn in each class to your very own business.

Monthly live group coaching calls will keep you motivated, moving forward and accountable to your goals and you’ll find the support you need from your peers in the private Facebook group and make genuine friendships with people walking the exact same path as you.

Your technical overwhelm will become a thing of the past because in addition to the core classes you take, you’ll also have instant access to 36 highly actionable, easy-to-understand Electives Tech Training Tutorials to help fill in the blanks.

These over-my-shoulder screen-share videos allow you to follow along, pause and implement what you see on the screen at a pace you’re comfortable with.

What’s more, if you decide to up-level your investment in your education from Self-Study to Mastery level membership, you’ll also receive two 30-minute private coaching sessions each semester for additional hand-holding accountability (loving butt-kicks included!) plus one 30-minute tech support call each semester with our resident tech guru.

In Mastery you’ll also get personalized feedback on the scalable program you create. There will be no more procrastinating, second-guessing and worrying over the details that don’t matter. With real time feedback you’ll move forward faster.

The Wellness Business Academy will teach you how to:

  • Gain clarity around who you are as an entrepreneur and holistic health professional and help you to get really clear on who you want to work with in your business
  • Get your health and wellness business off the ground, earn back your tuition costs and generate a consistent income in 12 months or less.
  • Bring your brand new business online (if that’s what you want) and teach you everything you need to know to leverage and make money in the new online economy.
  • Build solid foundations for your business complete with a dialed-in Ideal Client Avatar, branding, communication strategy, sales funnel, scalable continuity program, automated systems and a website that will make you money while you’re getting a massage, helping out on a class trip or spreading your message on a popular podcast.
  • Attract new prospective clients, meaningfully engage with them via a transformational conversion consultation and put together packages so they’ll want what you have.
  • Sell your services in an authentic, purpose-driven way and confidently say “no” to clients without feeling guilty when they ask for something you don’t want to do.
  • Prioritize your focus, time and energy so you don’t burn out while getting your business off the ground or feel guilty for spreading yourself too thinly.
  • Overcome your technical overwhelm and complete every online tech-task from setting up a payment gateway, installing a tracking pixel on your website and running Facebook ads, to recording client calls, creating screen-share videos or setting up a live teleclass.

It’s about time you stopped going in a million directions,
trying to please everyone and silently praying your business will magically start making money.

Here's how The Wellness Business Academy curriculum fits together:

Clarity & Foundation

By the end of Semester One you will have:

  • Defined your core values for business and life so all future decisions can be are easily made and feel in alignment with your vision for your future
  • Created success goals and organized your life to support your big dreams
  • Defined your vivid vision and a powerful mission that will resonate with and attract your ideal clients
  • Chosen a business name, setup a mailing address and/or physical location, secured a domain and created your social media platforms
  • Gone pro in your business by having chosen a legal operating structure and set up your payment gateway
  • Defined the niche market you want to work in and have clarity over your ideal client avatar so you can focus your program and content creation to attract dream clients, instead of wasting time trying to help anyone and everyone
  • Developed an intro that confidently communicates what sets you apart, without feeling like a phony or stumbling over your words
  • Used our template to write an AH-mazing About Me page that showcases your personality, passion and purpose
  • Created a classy and chic brand that you love, without wasting money on a fancy website or an over-priced graphic designer

Core Curriculum


Class One: Set Yourself Up For Success & Build Your New Reality 1.1 Core Values 1.2 Determine Your Success Criteria 1.3 Create Your New Reality Class Two: Dream The Vision & Plan The Mission 2.1 Create The Vision For Your Future 2.2 Craft A Mission Statement Class Three: Design Your Dream Business 3.1 Name Your Business & Choose A Business Model 3.2 Secure Financing 3.3 Set Up Your Business Location & Choose A Legal Business Structure Class Four: Define Your Niche Market & Ideal Client Avatar 4.1 Niche Market & Ideal Client Avatar Class Five: Create Your Brand Position 5.1  Create Your UVP 5.2 Positioning & Branding 5.3 Positioning & Branding Profile 5.4 Write Your About Me Page Class Six: Design & Communicate Your Brand 6.1 Brand Research & Brand Visuals 6.2 Work With A Graphic Designer 6.3 Communicate Your Brand Set up google apps for business – email address, calendar, google docs & how to use google drive (organize folders) Setup YouTube – what elements are needed, how to organize channel, SEO tips Setup Paypal for business including how to add provincial and state taxes, how to invoice, how to setup recurring monthly payments Set up Facebook personal & business page w/ key elements to include on FB biz page, about page, scheduling posts in advance Setup Instagram & how to add a link to a bio Setup Google + Local Setup LinkedIN – how to edit profile, how to optimize profile Setup Pinterest Setup Twitter Social media best practices How to use Google forms to create surveys & quizzes

Program Design & Development

By the end of Semester Two you will have:

  • Learned how to create a curriculum of programs and services that mirror the healing journey of your ideal clients’ varying time and financial commitments, so you can support them long-term
  • Brainstormed scalable program ideas, making the decision around where to start so much easier
  • Followed our proven ‘signature program creation’ formula and learned how to create and structure scalable programs that can be facilitated in a variety of ways
  • Created the content for your own short-term signature program, giving you the ability to work with clients within the first 6 months of enrolling in the WBA
  • Fully setup or semi-automate your program delivery processes, giving you more free time to focus on actually working with clients instead of doing the annoying admin stuff you hate
  • Packaged and priced your short-term signature program in a way you feel really good about, making it simple for you to promote and sell
  • Beta tested your program on a small number of people, so you can get feedback and make adjustments before launching your program to the world

Core Curriculum


Class One: The Ascension Model

1.1 Create An Ascension Model 1.2 Brainstorm Program Ideas

Class Two: Program Development & Design

2.1 Program Idea Map 2.2. Program Outline 2.3 Develop Program Content 2.4 Program Delivery Process 2.5 Program Pricing

Class Three: Lead Magnet Development & Design

3.1 What Is A Lead Magnet & How To Create One 3.2 Lead Magnet Delivery 3.3 List Building Strategies

Class Four: Transformational Conversion Consultation

4.1 Script The Sales Consult 4.2 5 People Practice Challenge

Class Five: Email Sales Funnel

5.1 Create The Program Emails 5.2 Email Delivery

Class Six: Beta Test Review & Finalize

6.1 How To Beta Test 6.2 Create A Feedback & Testimonial Survey 6.3 Revise & Update

: Sales & Marketing

By the end of Semester Three you will have:

  • Learned how to write like a copywriting pro using the formulas given to you, even if, right now, you don’t think you are a good writer
  • Followed the step-by-step instructions on how to format your first sales page so you can successfully promote your online program, offline service or even a product
  • Completed writing, designing and automating your Work With Me page so that it captures prospects’ contact information and guides them to scheduling a consult with you
  • Understood how to craft your own sales funnel by using the checklist of must-haves and nice-to-haves, giving you the availability to pick and choose which elements to include or leave out
  • Followed the elective training tech tutorials so you can easily implement your sales funnel and eliminate many of the annoying admin and customer service duties from your weekly schedule
  • Stepped fully into your role as legit CEO by planning your sales and marketing calendars using the templates provided so you can forecast your revenue month-after-month
  • Consistently published high-value content without feeling overwhelmed by blog writing or social media posting because you’ve created work habits and used time hacks that work!
  • Learned how to plan out and manage all of the pieces that go into a program launch, so you can focus on the tasks unique to your ability and delegate the rest (even if you don’t have the budget for it)
  • Planned, written and implemented a complete editorial calendar as well as your first program launch
Class One: Write Your Sales Page
1.1 Lessons In Copywriting 1.2 Sales Page Format Guide 1.3 Write Your Sales Page
Class Two: Write Your Work With Me Page
2.1 Define Your Work With Me Page Goals 2.2 Work With Me Format Guide 2.3 Write Your Work With Me Page
Class Three: Complete The Lead Gen Conversion Funnel
3.1 What Is A Sales Funnel? 3.2 Sales Funnel Format Guide 3.3 Write Your Sales Funnel 3.4 Implement Your Sales Funnel
Class Four: Plan Your Sales & Marketing Calendar
4.1 What Is A Sales & Marketing Editorial Calendar? 4.2 Sales & Marketing Editorial Calendar Format Guide 4.3 Write Your Sales & Marketing Editorial Calendar 4.4 Sales & Marketing Best Practices
Class Five: Plan Your Editorial Content Calendar
5.1 What Is An Editorial Content Calendar? 5.2 Editorial Calendar Format Guide 5.3 Write Your Editorial Calendar 5.4 Automate Your Content 5.5 Content Best Practices
Class Six: Map Your Program Launch
6.1 What Is A Program Launch? 6.2 Program Launch Format Guide 6.3 Plan Your Program Launch 6.4 Implement Your Program Launch 6.5 Program Launch Best Practices
: Leverage & Grow

By the end of Semester Four you will have:

  • Created your first webinar using the webinar format guide that spells out exactly what content to include and how to transition from high value content into the sale, without hesitation
  • Chosen the right tech platform to run your webinar from based on your goals and written your webinar email promotions to encourage as many people as possible to attend live
  • Followed our simple webinar promotion strategies so that your ideal clients can find your webinar and register to attend live
  • Learned how to confidently teach and sell using your personality and unique abilities
  • Converted your webinar into your signature talk (because you should only have to do the work once!)
  • Created a speaking kit and pitch email that demonstrates your unique value and experience (even if you feel like you have none)
  • Learned how to search for guest post opportunities in your niche and how to craft a pitch email that secures the writing opportunity for you
  • Followed the guest post writing guidelines to whip through writing the most awesome blogs so your message can be seen in a variety of publications quickly
  • Built profitable partnerships with non-competing personal brands and companies so you can leverage yourself against their existing client bases
  • Learned how to build influential relationships and how to nurture them over time so they benefit your personal and professional development
  • Decided whether you’d like to offer additional revenue streams like supplements, essential oils or other consumables to generate passive income streams in your business
  • Chosen the best model through which to sell and deliver your additional revenue streams
  • Used our year-in-review checklist to acknowledge your progress and plan for the upcoming year so that you can double your growth
  • Graduate & Celebrate
Class One: Webinars
1.1 What are webinars? 1.2 Webinar Format Guide 1.3 Write Your Webinar 1.4 Implement Your Webinar 1.5 Promote Your Webinar
Class Two: Speaking
2.1 Speaking Opportunities 2.2 Speaking Format Guide 2.3 Write Your Signature Talk 2.4 Pitch Your Signature Talk 2.5 Signature Talk Conversion Process
Class Three: Guest Posting
3.1 Why Guest Post? 3.2 Guest Post Pitch Format 3.3 Write A Guest Post Article 3.4 Pitch The Article 3.5 Get Published & Promote
Class Four: Profitable Partnerships
4.1 What Are Profitable Partnerships? 4.2 Profitable Partnership Format Guide 4.3 Form 2 Profitable Partnerships 4.4 Leverage Your Profitable Partners
Class Five: Additional Revenue Streams
5.1 What Are Additional Revenue Streams 5.2 Revenue Stream Ideas 5.3 Create 1 Additional Revenue Stream
Class Six: Graduate & Celebrate!
6.1 Year In Review 6.2 CEO Best Practices 6.3 Graduate & Celebrate

Whenever you have doubts about the direction you’re headed, just close your eyes and think back to what made you decide to go into the health and wellness industry in the first place

I created The Wellness Business Academy because when I graduated I was literally all on my own. After a decade of success and mentoring thousands of other health practitioners, health coaches and energy healers I looked around and saw that there was literally no program teaching everything that newly certified, purpose-driven health and wellness professionals like you need in order to become profitable, empowered business owners.

It makes no sense that you should graduate from your professional training and then be expected to take a half-dozen other sales and marketing courses to figure out how to monetize your new knowledge and expertise, or feel like you have to go back to school all over again to get an MBA.

Besides, who has time to figure this stuff out alone when you have kids to chase after, aging parents or relatives to care for and clients to reach who desperately need your help?

At the heart of The Wellness Business Academy is a deep desire to empower you with the business know-how that you need in order to reach and heal others.

We live in a time where 47% of Americans are suffering from serious, often preventable health conditions and by 2030 literally half of the nation will have been diagnosed with a chronic illness that could have been managed more effectively through better diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.

Promoting health and preventing the rise of serious illnesses and chronic diseases is at the heart of The Wellness Business Academy philosophy.  It’s my mission to empower you with the business and marketing education you need in order to transform the lives of others as well as your own.

This isn’t the kind of dry, head-scratcher content that will tie you up in knots for days – it’s twenty-four simple, highly actionable lessons that layer one on top of the other and get you a little bit closer to profiting from your purpose every day for 365 days.

What’s more, you’ll be supported every step of the way by our Student Success Coach, Resident Tech Guru and, of course, me!

No other business program for wellness entrepreneurs provides the level of guidance, real-time feedback and expert mentorship that you’ll experience as part of The Wellness Business Academy.

But don't just take my word for it - here’s what past students of The Wellness Business Academy have to say:

I have finally started making money from doing something I love.
I have become more confident.
I am reaching out more for help.
I am more focused.
I now have a list of over 400.
Launched my first online program with paying participants. Have a few lead magnets.

Lisa Jeffs

More confidence to put myself out there!

My husband is definitely impressed with all of my new knowledge, and being able to manage web/ leads/ etc on my own instead of paying big money to have it done for me.

I wasn't sure where to start- or what to tackle, or how to organize. I feel clarity, I see a big picture, and I am comfortable putting myself out there.

I have created multiple lead magnets, I have grown my facebook following, my email list, and created my very own online program from scratch which runs itself. I’ve had 16 new clients go through it so far!

Gaylene Gomez

I wasn't sure it was a great time for me since I am still a student.  So glad I did though because I would've been so confused about what to do next when I graduated.

Now the online part of my business is active.  It's STARTED.  This is really exciting for me.

I have so much energy because I love what I'm doing.  Everyone has benefited. I made $350 yesterday and it was the first day my program was out.

Jackie Reimche

I have more courage and vision in my business and my life.My family and friends view me now as a professional who knows how to help others, whereas before they saw it as my hobby.

I see many more possibilities for my business; I have more self-confidence in my skills and abilities; I am more focused.

I’ve increased my income by $500 monthly over what I was previously making. I’ve grown my mailing list with 120 more potential clients.

And now I work with groups of 10-12 clients each week.

Sandra Briand

I had no idea it was possible for me to build an online business from scratch and though I haven't implemented it all as we went along I have this vast storehouse of knowledge and am enthusiastic about all the possibilities. Things are starting gel, my confidence is way up and I am finally getting clients willing to pay for my services. So much is about mindset and I can't even begin to thank you for all the program has done for me in that regard.

I have a friend who was starting her own business and I was able to support her and encourage her because I had confidence in myself. Her business is growing to!

I finally have the confidence to state my rates unapologetically! Signed my first client TODAY and was not tempted to undervalue myself by offering her a lower rate, and she was in!

Nica Doan

Seriously turning my passion into a business ... I learned to do the work and see how amazing it is when you get results.. Thank you Lori

Yes,  I convinced my friends to take the program with me as it offers awesome info and bonuses that you can’t get anywhere else!

My big AHA moments:

  1. It's ok to make money
  2. There is a strategy to get new clients and it works when you follow it
  3. Enjoy GSD

Antonella Moschella

I feel supported on this journey. Plus I have had the massive realization that I am not crazy for being obsessed with my business!

It’s ok to be obsessed with your biz. I’ve learned the mantra “purpose over perfection”. I hear Lori’s voice in my head… there is no wasted time. It is all part of the journey.

Michelle  Tirmandi

I was surprised at the drive this class and Lori has put into me. I would have walked away a long time ago had it not been for seeing the success of others in the Academy and listening to lori. She makes me want to do better everyday.

My family has benefited. Absolutely. They see how hard I am working on improving and developing my business and that has increased their support for me.

The first change I noticed is how scared I was to get myself and business noticed and now I notice the fear and do it anyway. The 2nd change I noticed is how how confident I now am in what I offer. The 3rd change is accepting how bad I want this. I see example after example of how a successful business can be operated with location freedom and continuous income.

I learned you have to do the work to get results. My clients are not going to just show up at my door and accept what I say I can offer.

They need to know I'm serious and that to me means professionally showing up on the Internet and have substantiated programs they can see.

I love the timelines for the modules. I love the monthly coaching calls and the Facebook contact. I am never out of reach from support.

Jennifer Wald

Confidence around what my business 'could' be and being able to carve out time for me to focus on it.

Again, the confidence I've been gaining through doing the WBA work has helped me focus on an ICA and create content that I've been able to use to help friends and family with those issues.

Andrea Ferguson

The tech videos are awesome! The electives are so amazing. So many how to's and those are my favorite part of the academy.

But I've learned so much. I definitely get up earlier for one. I have that focus time. Lori is very motivating and makes it all seem very doable and possible.

I have faith! I know I have to work hard but there is support out here! You guys are amazing! I Love it. I'm glad I did it.

Elizabeth  Gorostiza

Since joining the WBA, I now feel part of a community of like minded health practitioners who understand the struggles and effort it takes to grow your business. This is huge to not feel alone in this journey. Friends I have made through WBA will last a lifetime

Mindset changes include:

  1. Realizing that building online is truly the way to go
  2. That actions every day even if they are small will build your email database
  3. That I can do this
  4. That making a plan is really important

Sonya Schirmacher

Video placeholder - she said she had 3 to go under the testimonials.

Very often on upsell pages (you'll know which ones they are), we have to put a video at the top.

Here's how that works:

Add and element, choose video player and select the only video player style available.

Now, on "Step 3" under "Type", we are generally going to choose "Embed Code". Paste any video embed code I've sent into this box.

Choose the dimensions that look best on the page. This might take a little trial and error.

Leave everything else as is, and BOOM.

Spinning your wheels and trying to figure out how to get your business off the ground all alone is the fastest way to squander your passion and waste your purpose

Class starts November 18!  Will you be there?

There are two levels of study to choose from:
* All prices shown in Canadian dollars *


  • Full lifetime access to The Wellness Business Academy curriculum (Four semesters, six classes per semester) teaching you everything you need to know to turn your purpose into a profitable business complete with video trainings, downloadable, fillable worksheets, scripts and templates
  • Unlimited lifetime access to all the elective tech trainings to dip in and out of whenever you need them
  • Live monthly group coaching calls to get your questions answered in real time
  • Access to the WBA Facebook group
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one coaching call per semester with WBA’s Program Creator, Lori to inspire, motivate and encourage you to keep moving in the direction of your goals
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one coaching call per semester with WBA’s Student Success Coach, Michelle to help you keep figure out any issues that might be throwing your progress off track
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one tech support call with WBA’s resident Tech Expert, Bryan to untie any technical knots you’ve found yourself in
  • One round of personalized review & feedback on your program and sales funnel you create

One payment of $4970
(2 months free. Save $994!)
Twelve payments of $497

Launch savings $50/month $447
or $4470 paid in full

>> Enroll now! <<

join now


  • Full lifetime access to The Wellness Business Academy curriculum (Four semesters, six classes per semester) teaching you everything you need to know to turn your purpose into a profitable business complete with video trainings, downloadable, fillable worksheets, scripts and templates
  • Unlimited lifetime access to all the elective tech trainings to dip in and out of whenever you need them
  • Live monthly group coaching calls to get your questions answered in real time
  • Access to the WBA Facebook group
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one coaching call per semester with WBA’s Program Creator, Lori to inspire, motivate and encourage you to keep moving in the direction of your goals
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one coaching call per semester with WBA’s Student Success Coach, Michelle to help you keep figure out any issues that might be throwing your progress off track
  • 1 x 30-minute one-to-one tech support call with WBA’s resident Tech Expert, Bryan to untie any technical knots you’ve found yourself in
  • One round of personalized review & feedback on your program and sales funnel you create

One payment of $1970
(2 months free. Save $394)
Twelve payments of $197

Launch savings $50/month $147
or $1470 paid in full

>> Enroll now! <<

join now

All classes include video trainings, downloadable and fillable worksheets, scripts and templates.

Get access to these three awesome bonuses that will alleviate your ‘unpaid homework time’ and help you grow your business faster:

Done-For-You 72-Hour Sugar Free Challenge Lead Magnet (valued at $97)

Why you need this:

Growing an email list that you can market to regularly is crucial if you want to enroll more clients into your programs.

One of the best ways to encourage people to sign up to your email list is to tempt them with a piece of high-value content that you give away, absolutely free.

Haven’t got anything written and ready to ship?  No problem!  We’ve got you covered with two done-for-you continuity challenges that are all packaged and ready to go!  Created in Word for easy modification, this content is 100% copyright free and can be used exactly as is without any need to modify the content, or can be branded to reflect your business.

52 Health & Wellness Blog Posts ($597)

Why you need this:

Most health and wellness practitioners don’t have time or the know-how to write high-value content on a weekly basis. With these 100% copyright free, completely customizable blog posts you won’t have to worry about blogging or writing your newsletter for an entire year.

Instagram Marketing Basics Workshop ($297)

Why you need these:

Instragram is the platform to be on these days. The marekting research shows that the majority of people on Instragram are women between the ages of 30 - 50. Melissa Leithwood, PhD candidate and expert in social media for wellness practitioners has created a step-by-step workshop that teaches you how- to use Instagram to build your community and attract ideal clients. Learn how to use hashtags, geo tagging, which pictures work the best and how to grow your following fast.

It's your life and it's time to start living it on your terms


When you enroll in The Wellness Business Academy you have a choice to make.

If you’re serious about getting your business off the ground but have a sneaking suspicion you’ll need a little extra support (as well as some tell-it-like-it-is accountability) to make it happen, the Mastery level is for you.

But if you’re super-disciplined, great at implementing under your own steam and holding yourself accountable, there is a Self-Study level too.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I truly believe in the power of this program and have witnessed first-hand the extraordinary results that our students get after enrolling in The Wellness Business Academy.

I stand behind the content we teach 100% and I’m so convinced you’ll love the program that I’ve decided to back it with a 30-day money back guarantee.

If at any point in your first 30 days you decide that The Wellness Business Academy isn’t for you, you can cancel your tuition and receive a refund (less a $75 non-refundable administration fee that is allocated to your mailed out welcome package), no questions asked.

If after the first 30 days you decide that The Wellness Business Academy isn’t right for you then you can cancel your tuition. No refund will be provided but all future payments will stop. If you’ve paid in full and cancel after 30 days you will be refunded the unused portion of your tuition at the regular monthly fee.

Enroll before November 17 to take full advantage of our fast-action pricing!

Simply select the payment option that works best for you and you’ll be taken directly to the payment screen where you can complete your purchase.


One Payment of $4470

join now

(save $1494)


Twelve Payments of $447

join now

(Save $50 p/m)


One Payment of $1470

join now

(Save $500)


Twelve Payments of $147

join now

(Save $50 p/m)

* All prices shown in Canadian dollars *

I’m In! What happens next?

Once your purchase is complete you’ll receive a welcome email containing all the details of how you can access The Wellness Business Academy virtual classroom and meet your peers in the private Facebook group.

Keep an eye on your mailbox too since you’ll also receive a welcome package from us, packed with goodies and resources that’ll help you get the most from the program!

Ready to stop spinning in circles and spend the next year building a business you believe in for many years to come?

Enrollment closes at 11.59pm EST on November 17th 2015 and class begins the very next day!

If you’re serious about transforming your business, your life and making a huge difference in the lives of others, this is your time.


Will it work? +

If you’re currently listening to an internal monologue that’s looping over and over and sounding a little like this: “Will it work? Is it the right program for me? What if I fail? How is this really different from everything else I’ve tried? it's time for a breather.

The investment you’re about to make in The Wellness Business Academy is really an investment in you: in your self-belief, mindset, and your potential.

I can’t categorically promise that this program will work for you or that I can transform your business and life in a year – because only you have control over that.

What I can promise is that the content I teach in this program has worked for me personally and has worked for hundreds of people who are already members of The Wellness Business Academy.

And what do we all have in common?

We commit fully to our goals, invest time and energy and go after our dreams without even coming up with a Plan B.  Deep down, you know you can do that too!

This sounds like a course for women - can men join too? +

Absolutely!  While the majority of my clients are women, the curriculum is for anyone who is struggling to create the business and lifestyle they crave.

When will the live group coaching calls be held? +
The coaching calls will be held on the last Wednesday of every month at 12:00pm EST. You will have the opportunity to log your wins, questions and challenges in advance if you can’t make any of the calls live. All calls are recorded and posted for playback within 24 hours.
Monthly group coaching calls are usually 2 hours long. They include live q and a, hot seats and masterminding.
What happens if I miss a miss a call or fall behind in the curriculum? +

I know how hectic life can be and that sometimes, no matter how good your intentions, life just gets in the way.  I get it.  That’s why all the calls will be recorded and uploaded to the membership area within 24 hours so that, if you miss a session, you can listen in at your convenience.

As long as you remain in good standing you will retain unlimited access to The WBA curriculum, elective tech trainings and the Facebook group.

Do I have to participate in the Facebook group? +

Not if you don’t want to, but know that this is where you’re going to form friendships and relationships with people who will inspire you, motivate you and when the going gets tough, keep you going.

The Wellness Business Academy faculty will be popping in and out of the group on a regular basis to share information, answer questions and join in the discussion.

All this to say, if you choose not to take part in the Facebook group, do so knowing you’ll almost certainly be missing out!

I’m just not sure I’m ready to make this investment… +

I totally get that investing in yourself can feel challenging and frivolous even, especially if you’ve already invested tons in your professional development, coaching and other tools to run your business.

You might feel like The Wellness Business Academy is a huge investment - other students have felt the same way in the past.

What I also know is that after those same students have started working through the program, enrolling clients and have started to see what’s really possible for them, they feel investing in The Business Wellness Academy is one of the best decisions they could have ever made.

I truly feel that in just a few weeks time, you will look back at this moment and thank your past self for having the courage to say “yes” to your dreams.

How do I pay? +

We accept any major credit card operated through Visa or Mastercard.  All prices are shown in Canadian dollars.

I’m still a student, should I wait until I’m done school? +

No. Please don’t wait until you are done school. There are specific business building elements that you should be doing while you are still in school. By doing both programs concurrently you will fast track your startup success.

I work full time. How many hours a week should I schedule for The WBA? +

First let me assure you that many students (in addition to myself) have started up their own practices both online and offline while working full-time and running a household. As long as you remain in good standing you will have unlimited access to The WBA curriculum and elective tech trainings.

You should allocate a minimum of 5 hours a week to work ON your business. It doesn’t matter if that’s two 30 minute sessions a day or 5 hours on a Sunday afternoon. What matters is that you focus on learning the right strategies and doing the work that moves your business forward. You really don’t have time to waste.

I’m enrolled! What happens next? +

Once your purchase is complete you’ll receive a welcome email containing all the details of how you can access The Wellness Business Academy virtual classroom and meet your peers in the private Facebook group.

Keep an eye on your mailbox too since you’ll also receive a welcome package from us, packed with goodies and resources that’ll help you get the very most from the program!

Take the opportunity to set yourself up for success by planning time into your schedule to attend the group calls, as well as blocking out time to actually do the work.  Obviously the more time you have to invest in implementing what you learn the better but, as a minimum, I suggest you ring-fence around 10 hours a week where you’re putting yourself and your studies first.

Finally, you might want to consider purchasing a gorgeous new journal to record your thoughts throughout the journey - this is sure to be a transformational year and one you’ll probably want to look back on in years to come.

What if I find the program isn’t for me? Can I get a refund? +

I truly believe in the power of this program and have witnessed first-hand the extraordinary results that our students get after enrolling in The Wellness Business Academy.

I stand behind the content we teach 100% and I’m so convinced you’ll love the program that I’ve decided to back it with a 30-day money back guarantee.

If at any point in your first 30 days you decide that The Wellness Business Academy isn’t for you, you can cancel your membership, no questions asked.  The investment you’ve made in the program will be returned to you, minus a $75 fee in respect of the welcome pack sent to your home address.

Still have a question?

It really matters to me that you feel you’re making a great investment so I want to make sure you have all the information you need to say yes to this program, and yes to yourself.  You can contact our support team at  and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

If you’re serious about taking your career in health and wellness to the next level, I’m serious about helping you do it!


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A  few final words from Lori...

In the grand scheme of life, it was just a few years ago that I was where you most likely are now:

A certified wellness professional (I’m a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist) constantly hustling to sign my next one-to-one client and struggling to make the ends meet.

An incredibly busy mom of a 2 year old and a newborn (who are now very active kids), trying to be a good wife who ‘kept house’, desperately trying to create a business by doing something that I loved in the time left over after doing all of the unpaid homework, research and laundry.

A woman who felt like she was living out of alignment with her values and true purpose: to empower my clients to transform their lives.

I was frustrated and looking back now, I can see so clearly how I was going through the motions of life and trying to reassure myself that “I’d be happier when…” when really I was refusing to acknowledge my ambition and a burning desire to be someone beyond my roles of wife and mother.

Denying myself the opportunity to live the life I really wanted led me to feel so incredibly unhappy and unfulfilled and things got so bad between my husband and I, that it practically tore our marriage apart as a result.

Eventually, as I started unpacking my feelings I realized something:  I’d defined myself by the stereotypical roles of wife and mother and, in doing so, I’d been squashing my own dreams and ambitions.

By stepping out of those roles I embraced my power and decided to learn everything I could to fulfill my dream, not just of running a business but of becoming the CEO of a global empire.

By putting myself first and realizing I’d rather be the one bringing home the bacon - not the one frying it - I created a new life for myself on my terms.

This is what I want for you too and it all starts with believing it’s possible.

You are worthy of your dreams and it’s totally okay to want and expect more from life.

It’s time to go all in, give it everything you’ve got and not even think of creating a Plan B.

This is life, your life, and it’s happening now.  Use it well.


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* All prices shown in Canadian dollars *